Monday, August 24, 2020

Personal activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual exercises - Essay Example The benefit of offering my enthusiasm to the crowd just brings me more noteworthy happiness. On the off chance that I can motivate even one other individual, I feel it will liquefy away the entirety of my long stretches of work and unlimited practices. 2. Aside from your first and second dialects, what different dialects do you talk and compose Baring English and Chinese, which are my first and second dialects, individually, I am at present examining Gaeilge through home examination courses. At the point when I initially heard Gaeilge spoken I was enchanted with it. I feel its oral magnificence, smoothness and woven vocal examples are unequaled. In any case, later on, I likewise want to seek after the Spanish and Japanese dialects. 3. Do you as of now have a college course as a main priority If along these lines, give subtleties. I am yet to discover my course of study, however, I am certain to seek after a profession in discretion. I have differed interests including, yet not restricted to: fund, financial aspects and world history; nonetheless, before choosing a significant course, I feel it best to investigate the potential outcomes toward my present advantages. I am not a grant beneficiary now; anyway I am applying for a half honor. Such a grant will offer me the chance to discover, investigate and support my own future.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

28 delitos agravados y graves consecuencias migratorias

28 delitos agravados y graves consecuencias migratorias Los delitos agravados, conocidos en inglã ©s como bothered lawful offense, child una categorã ­a de acciones-algunos felonã ­as, otros no-con consecuencias migratorias gravã ­simas. Por eso es necesario que todos los extranjero en Estados Unidos, incluidos los residentes permanentes legales, los indocumentados y las personas con visas no inmigrante o situaciones particulares como asilados, sepan cules child estos delitos agravados y quã © sucede cuando una persona ha sido condenada por uno de ellos. En este artã ­culo puedes enterarte de quiã ©n choose quã © child delitos agravados, quã © acciones child calificadas asã ­, quã © se debe hacer si te acusan de uno y cules child las consecuencias desde el punto de vista de inmigraciã ³n.  ¿Quià ©n choose lo que es un delito agravado? El Congreso de los Estados Unidos es quien choose quã © acciã ³n es un delito agravado. Al principio sã ³lo los delitos ms graves tenã ­an esta consideraciã ³n, como por ejemplo el asesinato, el homicidio, el trfico ilã ­cito de armas o el trfico de drogas. Sin ban, con el paso de los aã ±os se fueron incluyendo otros no tan graves, incluso acciones que en algunos estados ni siquiera child delitos (lawful offenses) y child simplemente consideradas como faltas, que se conocen en inglã ©s como misdeeds. Adems, feed que tener en cuenta que en el momento en el que el Congreso choose que una acciã ³n es delito agravado, si la has cometido incluso risks de ese momento, te conviertes automticamente en deportable. La à ºnica excepciã ³n sonâ los casos en los que expresamente el Congreso dice que la inclusiã ³n de una nueva acciã ³n en la lista de delitos agravados sã ³lo se aplicar a los que se comentan a partir de ese momento. Pero hasta este momento esto nunca ha sucedido, sino todo lo contrario: cuando se incluye en la ley migratoria una nueva acciã ³n con la calificaciã ³n de delito agravado aplica con carcter retroactivo, es decir, para las condenas posteriores al cambio legitimate y tambiã ©n incluso a las condenas anteriores. Listado de acciones calificadas como delitos agravados Por sus enormes consecuencias migratorias, es muy importante saber cules child los delitos agravados o irritated lawful offense. Entre otros, destacan los siguientes: Abuso sexual de menores-Aquã ­ feed que tener muy en consideraciã ³n las leyes de cada estado. Por ejemplo, puede suceder que se considere abuso sexual una relaciã ³n consentida entre una persona de 17 aã ±os y otra de 16. Feed que estar muy atentos a las edades de consentimiento.Pornografà ­a infantilViolacià ³n y asesinatoDelitos violentos con una pena prevalent al aã ±o de prisià ³n.Robo y allanamiento de morada con condenas superiores an un aà ±o.Evasià ³n financial por encima de los $200,000, lavado de dinero y trfico en documentos fraudulentos asã ­ como revelaciã ³n de informaciã ³n relacionada con la seguridad nacionalPerjurio y obstrucciã ³n a la Justicia en los casos de condenas superiores an un aã ±o y alteraciã ³n de las placas de autosDelitos de drogas por trfico o posesiã ³n de drogas-Para ms informaciã ³n sobre este asunto se puede consultar la INA, la ley que regula Inmigraciã ³n y Naturalizaciã ³n, ya que roughage una excepciã ³n para una à ºnica posesiã ³n para consumo propio de marihuana cuando la cantidad ocean second rate a 30 gramos Peticiã ³n de rescates, sobornos o fraude cometido contra otra persona o el Gobierno por un monto predominant a $10,000Reentrar en el paã ­s sin permiso despuã ©s de haber sido deportado. Adems, puede ser castigado hasta 2 aã ±os de crcel.Pertenencia an una mafiaFalsificacià ³n de dineroTrfico de armas o material explosivoTrfico ilegal de extranjerosNo comparecer en corte cuando se est juzgando un crimen por el que la sentencia puede ser prevalent a los dos aà ±osPosesià ³n de un arma sin licencia (feed una posible excepciã ³n para los residentes permanentes)Presentar una planilla de impuestos falsa (charge return)Asalto (battery)- En algunos estados es necesario un abuso fã ­sico grave o golpear duramente para cometer este delito. En otros estados, acciones que alguna gente cree que no child graves como jalar (halar, tirar) el cabello de otra persona es un delito de asalto.La violencia domã ©stica puede ser calificada de delito agravado o de inmoral. Es muy importante sabe r cã ³mo se califica en un caso concreto porque las consecuencias pueden muy distintas Desde el punto de vista de inmigraciã ³n, los delitos agravados tienen consecuencias negativas tanto si te condenan como autor o por haber conspirado para cometerlos, aunque no se llegaran a cometer y quedaran en grado de tentativa o de frustraciã ³n. Quã © hacer risk una acusaciã ³n de un delito o acciã ³n que puede ser calificada como delito agravado Buscar un abogado criminalista que entienda las consecuencias migratorias. El objetivo prioritario es evitar una condena por una acciã ³n que las leyes de Inmigraciã ³n califican como delito agravado. Incluso pueden ser necesarios dos abogados, un especialista correctional y otro migratorio. La lucha importante es evitar ser condenado por un delito que las leyes migratorias consideran como agravado. Quã © va a pasar inmediatamente despuã ©s de cumplir la sentencia por un delito agravado Una vez que se cumple la sentencia por el delito agravado comienza el problema con Inmigraciã ³n. Pasas an estar en custodia migratoria, esto es, detenido. Y aquã ­ se van a dar dos posibilidades, dependiendo de tu situaciã ³n migratoria, es decir, si eres un residente permanente legitimate o si no lo eres. Personas que no child residentes permanentes legales: pueden ser deportadas muy rpidamente, sin tener la opciã ³n de presentar su caso risk un juez de inmigraciã ³n. En este caso, no pueden pedir asilo, ni tampoco una cancelaciã ³n de la deportaciã ³n (wiping out of expulsion, en inglã ©s). Salvo casos muy excepcionales tampoco puede pedir que se paralice momentneamente la deportaciã ³n mediante lo que se conoce en inglã ©s como retaining of removal.Personas que child residentes permanentes legales: un juez de inmigraciã ³n decidir si mientras se resuelve su caso tienen que permanecer detenidas o si se les fija una fianza o si pueden quedar libres dando su palabra de que se presentarn a Corte cuando se les refer to. Si en el desarrollo del caso se choose que va a ser deportado casi no tiene opciones para luchar. Ningã ºn extranjero, ni residente permanente ni main de una visa ni indocumentado que ha sido condenado por un delito agravado puede beneficiarse de una salida voluntaria. Una vez que se ha sido deportado por un delito agravado,  ¿cules child las consecuencias? El castigo es una prohibiciã ³n para regresar an Estados Unidos de por vida. Es decir, nunca te van a dar ni una visa no inmigrante ni una visa de inmigrante (tarjeta de residencia) para regresar. La à ºnica excepciã ³n child los casos rarã ­simos en los que cumpliendo con muchos requisitos y despuã ©s de haber pasado diez aã ±os seguidos fuera de Estados Unidos se pide un perdã ³n particular directamente al Departamento de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security Department). Tambiã ©n se conoce como waiver o, en algunos paã ­ses, como permiso. La verdad es que es rarã ­simo que se apruebe esta clase de perdã ³n particular, se necesita tener un buen caso, ameritar el perdã ³n y contar con un abogado especialista con experiencia exitosa en este tipo de casos. Quã © ms roughage que saber sobre la deportaciã ³n Una condena por un delito agravado no es la à ºnica razã ³n por la que se puede deportar an un extranjero. Tambiã ©n por otros delitos aunque no tengan ese calificativo y tambiã ©n por los consideradosâ inmorales. Aunque en estos casos puede haber ms opciones para luchar, dependiendo del caso y las circunstancias de cada migrante. Tambiã ©n es posible la deportaciã ³n por faltas (wrongdoing) e incluso tambiã ©n por violaciones migratorias. Si bien lo que causa peores consecuencias child los delitos agravados. Finalmente, para evitar problemas gravã ­simos, alã ©jate de las peleas y situaciones conflictivas y contrata an un abogado si te acusan de algo grave. Adems, conoce cules child las opciones para luchar contra una deportaciã ³n en los casos en los que el problema NO es un delito agravado y cules child las prioridades de las autoridades para deportar a migrantes. Un castigo a los deportados por delito agravado a tener muy en cuenta Las personas que han sido deportadas por un delito agravado y regresan ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos pueden ser condenadas hasta 20 aã ±os de prisiã ³n. Una vez que cumplen la condena sern de nuevo deportados. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. no es asesorã ­a legitimate.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Differences Between Panic Disorder and OCD

Differences Between Panic Disorder and OCD Panic Disorder Related Conditions Print Differences Between Panic Disorder and OCD Theyre separate types of disorders By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 14, 2020 Getty Images/Caiaimage/Paul Bradbury More in Panic Disorder Related Conditions Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Its not uncommon for a person to be diagnosed with both panic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which are each marked by excessive worry and fear.?? However, OCD is a distinct disorder with its own set of criteria, symptoms, and treatment. What Is OCD? As the name implies, OCD is characterized by obsessions in thinking and compulsions in behavior. The DSM-5 describes obsessions as relentless and invasive thoughts, urges, or images that are unsettling and disturbing. Someone with OCD will try to disregard them altogether or counteract them with different thoughts or behaviorsâ€"a strategy that can cause them to come back even more.   Compulsions are identified as repetitive behaviors or mental acts that someone feels obligated to do in order to prevent a feared incident or circumstance from occurring.?? These physical or mental actions are either extreme or not logically connected to what they are meant to avoid. A person with OCD may have a fear that germs will cause them to become sick and die (obsession) if they dont repeatedly wash their hands throughout the day (compulsion). A person with OCD will often remain preoccupied with these obsessions and compulsions, spending a large amount of time thinking about the obsessions and acting out the compulsions to the point that their social- and work-related activities are negatively affected. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Overview Disorders That Co-Exist With OCD Its very common for people with OCD to also be diagnosed with another disorder (known as comorbid disorders).?? According to a large-scale community study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, 90 percent of the adults who reported OCD at some point in their lives also had at least one other comorbid condition, including anxiety disorders like panic disorder. Panic disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the manual mental health professionals use to guide them as they make a diagnosis. Panic disorder principally causes symptoms that include recurring panic attacks. These attacks are often described as intense fear accompanied by trembling, difficulty breathing, and sweating. Out of fear of experiencing another attack, many panic disorder sufferers will avoid certain situations and events. This fear and avoidance can lead to agoraphobia, a fear of places or situations that feel vulnerable, unsafe, or difficult to escape from. OCD Recurring obsessions and compulsions Extensive rituals to reduce anxiety caused by obsessions Panic Disorder Recurring panic attacks Avoidance out of fear of having another attack Treatment and How to Cope There are effective treatment options and coping techniques for alleviating the symptoms of OCD and panic disorder, and they frequently overlap. For instance, both disorders are commonly treated with a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which target a neurotransmitter called serotonin that helps decrease anxiety.?? Likewise, cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of psychotherapy that helps change a person’s faulty or negative thinking and assists in shifting unhealthy behaviors, is a recognized treatment for OCD and panic disorder. A trained mental health professional can diagnose and provide appropriate treatment for both conditions. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 897 Words

Did you ever think you knew something about a person only to find that you could not be more wrong? Making unverified assumptions like this is part of human nature for everyone. Because of this, some people do not want to reveal their true selves to others and prefer to remain unknown. Often, some people will hide out in their house and not show themselves to the world because of how others would react. Other people do not want to learn the truth and prefer to believe what they think is right evidence not with what is actually real. The people of Maycomb County are no different than people in the larger world. The characters in To Kill A Mockingbird work hard to maintain appearances that differ from reality. Several characters in the movie work hard to display an appearance that differs from their internal self because they usually feel alienated from the others. These characters also often feel uncomfortable about revealing their true selves to people, to the community, A character named Dolphous Raymond appears to be a drinker but all he really has in his sack is Coca-Cola. He likes to give people a reason as to why he lives with the black people although it s not very common. Instead of looking down on Raymond, the town surprisingly feels sorry for him because they base their feelings on his supposed alcohol addiction; they don t know the real story about Raymond. He is essentially the town s drunk and supposedly looked bad upon because he married a black woman.Show MoreRelatedKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1049 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird: How a Story could be based on True Events in Everyday LifeDaisy GaskinsCoastal Pines Technical Collegeâ€Æ'Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, who had served as a state senator and practiced as a lawyer in Monroeville. Also Finch was known as the maiden name of Lee’s mother. With that being said Harper Lee became a writer like her father, but she became a American writer, famous for her race relations novel â€Å"ToRead MoreTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee1000 Words   |  4 Pagesworld-wide recognition to the many faces of prejudice is an accomplishment of its own. Author Harper Lee has had the honor to accomplish just that through her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a moving and inspirational story about a young girl learning the difference between the good and the bad of the world. In the small town of Monroeville, Alabama, Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Growing up, Harper Lee had three siblings: two sisters and an older brother. She and her siblings grew up modestlyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1290 Wor ds   |  6 PagesHarper Lee published To Kill a Mockingbird during a rough period in American history, also known as the Civil Rights Movement. This plot dives into the social issues faced by African-Americans in the south, like Tom Robinson. Lee felt that the unfair treatment towards blacks were persistent, not coming to an end any time in the foreseeable future. This dark movement drove her to publish this novel hopeful that it would encourage the society to realize that the harsh racism must stop. Lee effectivelyRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee873 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee illustrates that â€Å"it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird† throughout the novel by writing innocent characters that have been harmed by evil. Tom Robinson’s persecution is a symbol for the death of a mockingbird. The hunters shooting the bird would in this case be the Maycomb County folk. Lee sets the time in the story in the early 1950s, when the Great Depression was going on and there was poverty everywhere. The mindset of people back then was that blackRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee963 Words   |  4 Pagesgrowing up, when older characters give advice to children or siblings.Growing up is used frequently in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Harper Lee uses the theme growing up in To Kill a Mockingbird to change characters opinion, develop characters through their world, and utilizes prejudice to reveal growing up. One major cause growing up is used in To Kill a Mockingbird is to represent a change of opinion. One part growing up was shown in is through the trial in part two of the novelRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1052 Words   |  5 PagesTo Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the late 30s early 40s , after the great depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread throughout the United States. Why is the preconception of racism, discrimination, and antagonism so highly related to some of the characters in this book? People often have a preconceived idea or are biased about one’s decision to live, dress, or talk. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee examines the preconceptionRead MoreHarper Lee and to Kill a Mockingbird931 Words   |  4 PagesHarper Lee and her Works Harper Lee knew first hand about the life in the south in the 1930s. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama in 1926 (Castleman 2). Harper Lee was described by one of her friends as Queen of the Tomboys (Castleman 3). Scout Finch, the main character of Lees Novel, To Kill a Mockinbird, was also a tomboy. Many aspects of To Kill a Mockingbird are autobiographical (Castleman 3). Harper Lees parents were Amasa Coleman Lee and Frances Finch Lee. She was the youngestRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1695 Words   |  7 PagesIn To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee presents as a ‘tired old town’ where the inhabitants have ‘nowhere to go’ it is set in the 1930s when prejudices and racism were at a peak. Lee uses Maycomb town to highlight prejudices, racism, poverty and social inequality. In chapter 2 Lee presents the town of Maycomb to be poverty stricken, emphasised through the characterisation of Walter Cunningham. When it is discovered he has no lunch on the first day of school, Scout tries to explain the situation to MissRead MoreKill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee1876 Words   |  8 PagesThough Harper Lee only published two novels, her accomplishments are abundant. Throughout her career Lee claimed: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Goodreads Choice Awards Best Fiction, and Quill Award for Audio Book. Lee was also inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. This honor society is a huge accomplishment and is considered the highest recognition for artistic talent and accomplishment in the United States. Along with these accomplishments, herRead MoreKill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee1197 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as crops, houses, and land, and money was awfully limited. These conflicts construct Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mocking Bird. In To Kill a Mocking Bird, Lee establishes the concurrence of good and evil, meaning whether people are naturally good or naturally evil. Lee uses symbolism, characterization, and plot to portray the instinctive of good and evil. To Kill a Mocking Bird, a novel by Harper Lee takes place during the 1930s in the Southern United States. The protagonist, Scout Finch,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

African American Experience - 896 Words

African American Experience African Americans lived differently than white men did during the turn of the century. They faced many problems within the society. Some of the issues they faced were out of their hands. Although things were not the greatest all the time, there were supporters and organizations that they could turn to. Along with these organizations they had leaders that tried to help the race. Many African Americans became successful in the late 1920’s, and still to this day there are many African Americans that are successful. During the time period around the late 1870’s through the 1920’s many African Americans did not have good jobs. The majority of African Americans lived in the southern states. Many were†¦show more content†¦White women from the North and some others supported this movement, but it wasn’t until the 1930’s that lynching became a federal crime. For a time, Wells published a newspaper, Free Speech. An angry mob of people burned down her office in Memphis, Tennessee and forced her to leave town. In 1891, Wells supported the strike of black cotton pickers. She was dismayed when fifteen of the cotton pickers were lynched. The whites sent a strong message that they were not going to conform to her desires and accept the equality of the African Americans for some time. With the end of the Civil War, the African Americans received freedom from slavery and gains some rights but lost many of those same rights a mere twenty years later . They had sacrificed much and did not give them up easily. Even though they were often defeated in court and often threatened with violence, a visionary group of leaders laid the foundation for the future successes of the civil rights movement. They founded important educational institutions and organizations to fight for civil rights and cultivated both a new generation of leaders and a growing number of writers, artists, and professionals who embodied Du Boiss idea of a talented tenth and who became increasingly active and effective in the 1920s. Almost a century later, African Americans are better accepted in society than ever before. There is less of a double standard and more equality thanks to the brave men and women who came beforeShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Political Experience Of African Americans Essay1827 Words   |  8 Pagesunknowingly. African Americans have influences upon the United States in numerous ways. Socially, politically and emotionally the black experience embodies influence on our lives today. When I reflect on the issues that African Americans faced centuries ago, and the issues that we are facing today it seems to be a reflection. I am a African American woman staring in a cracked mirror watching the issues of the past reflect back in the world I live in today. African American political experience from theRead MoreAfrican Vs. African American Experiences And Relations1862 Words   |  8 PagesAfrican vs. African-American Experiences and Relations in Determining the Binding Factor between th e Two Groups of People Introduction: Marcus Garvey, a ‘proponent of Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements† (), once stated that â€Å"a people without knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.† (Good Reads Quotes) He was in fact very much so right. Most people in this world care about where they come from, who they descended from and where the backbone ofRead MoreThe Experience Of Infertility Among African American, Heterosexual, Couples931 Words   |  4 PagesThe purpose of this research project was to study the experience of infertility among African American, heterosexual, couples. There is a lot of exterior research from a sociological point of view that speaks to African Americans being reluctant to seek infertility treatments due to religious beliefs, lack of awareness about infertility, shame, fear, lack of support, distrust of the medical community, economic barriers, lack of access to health care, and a preference for informal or formal adop tionRead MoreImportance of African American Literature Addressing the Black Experience3064 Words   |  13 PagesThe role of African American literature in recent years has been to illuminate for the modern world the sophistication and beauty inherent in their culture as well as the constant struggle they experience in the oppressive American system. When writers such as Langston Hughes, W.E.B. DuBois and Alice Walker present their material, they manage to convey to a future world the great depth of feeling and meaning their particular culture retained as compared with the culture of their white counterpartsRead MoreAfrican Americans: The Cultural Norms vs. The Group Counseling Experience2407 Words   |  10 PagesAfrican Americans in general avoid counseling of any form and group counseling is no exception to the rule. There are several cultural factors that play a part in framing this rule for African Americans, but the major issues are religion and spirituality, dealing with f amily and personal business according to what the culture deems acceptable and prejudices both held by African Americans and their concern over the prejudices of others toward them. Unfortunately as a result of the close-minded natureRead MorePersonal Experience with The African American Civil Rights Era1546 Words   |  6 Pagesfree as it is. Nearly a century after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans in the south were still faced with innumerable injustices, including disenfranchisement, segregation, and violence. Jim Crow laws infringed on African Americans’ fundamental rights to a basic education, to suffrage, to serve on a jury, to enter certain shops, and even to use a public restroom. Throughout this time period, activists, African American and white alike, rallied for change using all methods possible: nonviolentRead MoreEffects Of Current And Historic Social Constructs On The Educational Experience Of African American Males1152 Words   |  5 PagesThe purpose of this research is to identify the effects of current and historic social constructs on the educational experience of African American males in the United States. Upon identifying these mechanisms of social control the conclusion is ominous. The system of institutionalized racism undermines the access and ability of African American mal es to obtain higher education. It fosters a mindset that eliminates them prior to participation. Equitable access to resources is not a realizationRead MoreExpression of the African American Experience Through Poetry During the Harlem Renaissance870 Words   |  4 Pagescertain type of poetry is so connected to them. In the Harlem Renaissance era there were a lot of poets who brought African American voices into the mainstream of American society. This is the type of poetry that really touched people and pushed them to read more poetry like it. Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton and Colleen McElroy were all poets that wrote about what being an African American in the United States was like and what they had to deal with throughout their lives. None of these were happyRead MoreThe Experience Of African Americans And Native Americans With School1469 Words   |  6 PagesThe Experience of African-Americans and Native Americans With School Within the history of America, we’ve had discrimination and different approaches to how we interact with the other ethnic group, and how these ethic group were educated within our country. This country that is America sometimes gave these ethnic groups an education to the bare minimum, so that the â€Å"real† citizens. Or the white citizens who were privileged enough to be born with white skin could succeed within their society, andRead MoreWhat Are The Experiences Of African-American Male StudentsAcademic Success?1063 Words   |  5 Pageshas glanced into the lives and experiences of fourteen African-American undergraduate male students to seek answers to the following questions: (1) What are the experiences of African-American male students’ in California’s public high schools? (2) Are California public high schools and school-based professionals adequately preparing African-American male students’ for post-secondary education options? (3) Wh at kind of barriers, if any, has impacted African-American male students’ academic success

Abstract Expressionism Free Essays

Melinda Alexander Abstract Expressionism In this essay, I will demonstrate a comparison of control and chaos in the painting methods between Jackson Pollock and Helen Fraternally. I consider both artists to operate at a type of controlled chaos. However, I find that Fraternally used more control in her painting method where she carefully applied colors to certain spaces. We will write a custom essay sample on Abstract Expressionism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pollock’s painting is more a result of his actions than a specific thought as where to apply a certain color in an empty space. Jackson Pollock’s drip-method is creative and original. No one before him had used this method of pouring and splattering paint. Artists normally brushed or pushed the color. His process was completely unique. He did not use an easel. The canvas was laid on the ground. Industrial paint, raw canvas, sticks, and other tools instead of brushes were all materials that make his art pieces so unique. Lavender Mist exhibits an energy that almost gives life to the painting. The colors contrast in a way that are bold but not overwhelming. The dark hue mixes with the light so that it is neither heavy nor airy. At 87 X 118 inches the scale is huge. Amongst the chaos there is an even distribution of pattern and colors throughout the pacing. This gives it unity, symmetry and balance. I think that is why I call it controlled chaos. He reminds me of sort of a maestro conducting an orchestra. Using his tools, paints and body the way a maestro would conduct a symphony. He is moving everywhere flinging paint around not knowing really what it will look like. The spontaneity and originality of his work is interesting and cool. Helen Freakishness’s work with water color is also original. I think her action is more controlled than Pollock as she moves the color to fill certain spaces on the paper and she sketches some with charcoal. Chaos is demonstrated as well with her painting freely from nature or her memory of it. Like Pollock, she painted on the floor and at a large scale. Mountains and Sea gives a calm and soothing feel generally. The lines are implied with the shapes being organic and soft made from where the paint seeped into the weave. There is unity with some of the sketched lines suggesting a scene. Yet the shapes remain undefined. There is also unity and balance with the color hue of pale greens and blue giving a cool effect. The use of pale orange accent as a contrast warms up the picture Just enough to make it light and airy. This painting is nice. I found Pollock’s methods and pieces more interesting. Overall, Jackson Pollock and Helen Fraternally used techniques including both chaos and control while creating their art pieces. Both artists worked freely being surprised with the end result not really knowing what they were creating while working. Both artists used techniques and tools that were original producing effects new to the art world during that time. Fraternally used more control or thought in that she moved color into certain spaces. I think she was also more controlled in that she painted from memory ND sketched some. How to cite Abstract Expressionism, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Function of Deceit Essay Example

The Function of Deceit Paper The Function of Deceit Deceit functions in many ways throughout the play Much Ado About Nothing characters use deceit to conceal, to assist and to trick. Benedict, Beatrice, Clay audio, Hero and Don John are all affected by the functions of deceit throughout the play, the h roes use it to bring people together and the villain uses it to rip relationships apart. One of deceits functions is to conceal. Deceit conceals Benefices and Beatrice ex.s love for each other. Throughout the play both Benedict and Beatrice exchange plan yup banter. For example in Act 1, Scene 1, one of Beatrice?s first lines is a witty assault at Been dicks expense. It is so indeed. He is no less than a stuffed man. But for the stuffing well, we are all mortal, (l. i. 3). Elongates character even explains their banter as a merry war, as to say that Benedict and Beatrice dont necessarily mean what they say. The audience e is therefore able to watch in amusement as Benedict and Beatrice participate in merry WA Shakespeare plays with the idea of Benedict and Beatrice almost hating each other until deceit is once again used, but this time to assist in the love of two witty upon ants. We will write a custom essay sample on The Function of Deceit specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Function of Deceit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Function of Deceit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another function of deceit in Much Ado About Nothing, is its function of assistance. Deceit assists in the love that blossoms between Benedict and Beatrice. Near the middle of the play, Act 2 Scene 3, deceit is used by a cadre of cupids, Leona, Don Peed o and Claudio, to deceive Benedict into thinking Beatrice loves him. Hero and Ursula also do n their cupids arrows and deceive Beatrice into thinking Benedict loves her. These separate scenarios create much humor, as it shows that both Benedict and Beatrice are not as s mart as they seem. Claudio doing his part tricking Benedict, Come hither, Leona. What was it you told me of today, that your niece Beatrice was in love with Signor Benedict? (al. Iii. 5). Here Ursula is playing up how Benedict is the most fair man in Italy, l pray you, be not an gray with me, madam. Speaking my fancy. Signor Benedict, for shape, for bearing, argument t and valor, goes foremost in report through Italy. (Ill . i. 4). Luckily the deceitful love that bal simooms between Benedict and Beatrice serves only as a way to reveal the true love the eye have had for each other all along and they get happily married at the end of the play. The final function of deceit is its ability to trick. Deceit is used many times thro shout the play, to conceal and to assist, but deceits most prominent role is to trick. Deceits function of trickery is used by the plays villain, Don John, to trick Claudio into thinking Hero has cheated on him. Throughout the played are treated to hints that Don John is the villain of the play, at one point Don John even says, l am a plain dealing villain, (l. Iii. 25). Be cause of this line, skillfully spoken by master actor Keenan Reeves, we know that the character re Don John ill be messing a lot of stuff up later on in the play. And Don John does mess up stuff, in Act 3 Scene 2, Don John speaks with Claudio, saying, l came hither to tell you; and, circumstances shortened, for she has been too long talking of, the lady is disloyal. (al. Ii. 5). D on John then shows both Claudio and Don Pedro that Hero is being unfaithful with Bronchi o, when in fact Broacher is only wooing Margaret, one of Heros maids. This act of trickery me sees up everything, Claudio and Don Pedro confront Hero at the wedding in front oft he entire congregation. After the wedding Don John flees Messing and everyone finds o UT that Hero was falsely accused, thanks to Dogberry, who captured Broacher and his part near in crime Conrad. The function of deceit is a quintessential part of Much Ado About Nothing . Deceit is used to conceal, to assist and to trick many of the main characters throughout t the entirety of the play. The epitome of deceit in William Shakespearean capering comedy, air manically, is the moment when Benedict and Beatrice deceptive protests against their love f or each other are foiled by their own hands.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 Fluctuating Forms of Gender-Specific Language

5 Fluctuating Forms of Gender-Specific Language 5 Fluctuating Forms of Gender-Specific Language 5 Fluctuating Forms of Gender-Specific Language By Mark Nichol The English language is riddled with suffixes that specify gender, and efforts to mirror the slow-but-sure improvement in gender equality are reflected in shifting usage in this area. Such progress, however, is inconsistent. Here’s where we stand with various treatments: 1. -ess Words altered to include an -ess ending to specify reference to a woman are generally going by the wayside: Often, a female movie, television, or theater performer is identified as an actor (though performing-arts awards retain best-actress categories), whereas terms for female members of royalty such as princess and duchess, in keeping with the anachronistic survival of the concept, persist. Likewise, there’s no reason to genderize host or waiter, or author or poet, but we hold on to enchantress, goddess, and mistress. (And, if we have any sense, we hold on to enchantresses, goddesses, and mistresses.) In addition, as you know, stewards and stewardesses were transformed into flight attendants long ago. (The U.S. Navy, by the way, no longer uses steward as an official term for an officers’ attendant.) 2. -e English preserves a few terms derived from French in which an e is appended to the end of the masculine form of some words to refer to a woman, including fiancee and confidante. Conversely and obscurely a man who divorces his wife is a divorce (like the feminine form, pronounced â€Å"di-vor-say† and, in print, with an acute accent mark over the e). 3. -trix Another French form, -trix, is obsolete when referring to a female aviator, but English preserves the form in dominatrix, even though one rarely refers to a dominator (not in polite company, anyway). 4. -ine and -ina Hero applies to male and female do-gooders alike (and retiring heroine avoids the accidental misspelling as heroin). But what about those heroes of the US government, the drug czars and the energy czars and their ilk? (The word czar is the more modern Russian form the older variant is tsar of Caesar.) No president has appointed a female czar, but if that happened, would we refer to her as a czarina? Not likely, except in jocular usage. 5. -woman and -person The same folks who bristle at being scolded when they refer to humankind as mankind will no doubt fuss about this next point, but don’t use the suffix -man unless you’re referring to a man: It’s not necessary to employ the cumbersome term chairperson to refer to a female presiding or administrative officer or the position itself, or to distinguish between a chairman and a chairwoman; just say chair. (No, chair is not just the word for a piece of furniture; it’s the time-honored term, on its own, for an elected or appointed position.) Unfortunately, no such shortcut exists for referring to members of legislative bodies, but congresswoman and assemblywoman are no-brainers. The nonspecific terms congressmember and assemblymember are attested but fairly rare; the open forms (with Congress and Assembly capitalized) are more common. (â€Å"Member of Congress† is also frequently employed, but â€Å"member of the Assembly† is not.) But what do you call a woman who likes to fish (other than, um, a great catch?). Fisherwoman may seem awkward, but that’s just because we’re not used to it yet. As is the case with chairwoman or congresswoman, it’s a matter of only one more small syllable inserted in an already lengthy word. If you’re a man who washes clothes for a living, do you want to be referred to as a washerwoman, just because that’s the dominant usage? By rejecting gender-neutral language, you’re subjecting half the population to the same indignity. This isn’t political correctness run rampant; it’s inevitable and inexorable usage correction, part of the evolution of language (with the obligatory Neanderthal-like branch stubs on the evolutionary tree like waitron and waitperson as gender-neutral forms of waiter). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightAcronym vs. InitialismTreatment of Words That Include â€Å"Self†

Monday, March 2, 2020

Deadweight Tonnage

Deadweight Tonnage Deadweight tonnage (DWT) refers to the carrying capacity of a vessel. Deadweight tonnage can be figured by taking the weight of a vessel which is not loaded with cargo and subtracting that figure from the weight of the vessel loaded to point where it is immersed to the maximum safe depth. This depth is noted with a marking on the ships hull, the Plimsoll line. The safe depth varies by the time of year and water density and, in the case of DWT, the summer freeboard line is the measurement used. The displacement of water due to the load is measured in metric tons (tonnes or 1,000 kilograms). The deadweight tonnage includes not only cargo, but also the weight of fuel, ballast, passengers and crew, and all of the provisions. It only excludes the weight of the ship itself. Example A vessel that weighs 2000 tons unloaded carries 500 tons crew and supplies. It can take on 500 tons of cargo in port, at which time it floats at the summer line of its Plimsoll line. The deadweight of this vessel would, therefore, be 1000 tons. Deadweight Tonnage vs. Displacement Tonnage Deadweight tonnage is distinct from  displacement tonnage, which includes the weight of the ship as well as its carrying capacity. Lightweight tonnage is the weight of the ship itself, including the hull, decking, and machinery, but not including ballast or any supplies that could be consumed, such as fuel and water (except for the liquids in the engine room systems). Deadweight tonnage is the displacement tonnage minus the lightweight tonnage.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Effect of Democracy on FDI (Foreign Direct Investmant) Term Paper

The Effect of Democracy on FDI (Foreign Direct Investmant) - Term Paper Example There are a number of concerns that are made when considering the effects of democracy on foreign direct investment. Theoretical perspectives have consistently linked foreign direct investment to government policy. The pervading logic behind these investments is not a matter of great complexity. In these regards, investors have been understood to remain more apt to invest long-term companies and corporate interests based on the host country’s ability to create policy measures that are most conducive to such investment. The complexity emerges as theorists attempt to determine the appropriate government climate for such investments. Currently the United States receives the most foreign direct investments, leading economists to prominently link FDI to the democratic governmental structure (‘greyhill’). Within the confines of the democratic political structure there are a number of specific policy considerations that have been established. One of the most prominent th eoretical perspectives on this matter is that foreign direct investment is directly responsive to changing economic situations. Jensen notes, â€Å"Elected politicians can no longer manipulate monetary policy, but monetary policy does remain responsive to changing economic conditions† (Jensen, pg. 2). In this context of understanding, the nature of the democratic election process itself does not necessarily benefit foreign direct investment, but creates a governmental structure that is highly conducive to developing policies that aid FDI. The main notion is that the encouragement of foreign direct investment must be accomplished in a dynamic context and that the democratic governmental structure is most conducive to this dynamism. In addition to the importance of a dynamic government policy to foreign direct investment, there is a number of other of elements positive linking democracy to FDI in terms of stability. In these regards, pervasive notions of democratic governments having more stability are one of the primary contributors to an increase in FDI (Jensen). While such perspectives on the democratic political structure have been proven erroneous in specific contexts, one considers the current economic fallout in Greece as a primary example; it is oftentimes the perception that drives the reality. Another predominant link between democracy and FDI in terms of stability occurs as a result of the democratic process of checks and balances. Jensen notes, â€Å"The institutional checks and balances associated with democratic systems decrease the likelihood of policy reversal, providing multinationals with a de facto commitment to policy stability† (Jensen, pg. 4). With the stability afforded by these checks and balances, corporations are able to more accurately forecast future returns. Ultimately, it is this stability that greatly While there are considerable arguments for the linkage of democracy to foreign direct investment, counter-arguments ex ist to this proposition. The main notion is that the nature of governmental policy and foreign direct investment is not as multi-varied as some would contest. This perspective contends that the overwhelming link between foreign investments in a host country is the level of taxation. Jensen notes, â€Å"Conventional wisdom holds that nations woo multinationals by

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Collective Bargaining and School Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Collective Bargaining and School Finance - Essay Example Each unit designs a contract proposal which is introduced to the districts Labor Relations Department. In the negotiating sessions the proposals and counterproposals are exchanged until an agreement is reached between both the parties in good faith. After the one year of approved contract, it is required to include a provision for reopening negotiations on specific items like salary, benefits, and one or two additional items to be selected by each party. According to the Rodda Act negotiating parties should participate, and stick to certain behaviors and time lines. They should discuss all issues to make proposals and counterproposals in an effort to reach agreement. In the school environment, this act allows teachers and employees the right to meet and negotiate with the employer with respect to wages, benefits and working conditions. Taylor Law has founded an agency named ‘The Public Employment Relations Board’ (PERB) to exercise the law. PERB’s board has three members for performing activities including adjudicating and establishing public policy concerning public sector labor relations issues; attorneys for the board; administrative law judges that hear claims of improper practices; mediators that assist public employers and employee organizations in contract negotiations; administrative and support staff that ensure services are delivered to the public sector labor relations community. PERB is responsible for interpreting disputes as to matters that are or are not ‘within scope’. The range of subjects within a scope includes matters relating to wages, hours, and working conditions negotiated between school districts and employee organizations during the collective bargaining process. There are two types of negotiations: Traditional (positional) and Interest Based negotiations. Traditional negotiations solve a problem with respect to positions and

Friday, January 24, 2020

Hamlet: Masks We Wear Essays -- essays research papers

Masks A mask is a covering worn on the face or something that disguises or conceals oneself. All the characters in Shakespeare's Hamlet hide behind masks to cover up who they really are, which contridictes a main idea, expressed by the fool, Old Polonius, "To thine ownself be true" (Polonius - 1.3.84). All the characters share strengths and triumphs, flaws and downfalls. Instead of revealing their vulnerabilities, each of them wears a mask that conceals who they are and there true convictions. The masks brought about feelings such as fear, hatred, insanity, indecisiveness, ambitiousness, and vengeance all of which contribute to the tragic ending of the play. Shakespeare reveals the idea of the masks in the first lines of the play, "Who's there" (Barnardo - 1.1.1). "Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself" (Fransisco - 1.1.2). These masks are upon each character, placed there by either society, self-ignorance, or guilt. Ophelia, Polonius' daughter and Hamlet's lover, hid behind a mask, just like Queen Gertrude's. It was, according to the society and the culture of the time, in the best interest of the woman to display a passive behavior for their personal preservation, which served as Gertrude's mask. Gertrude was brought up to believe that when a woman protests her innocence, in any matter, too much then people will begin to think otherwise. Gertrude revealed the idea of her mask, when responding to Hamlet inquiry of her likes to the play, her response was a bold reply, "The lady doth protest too much methinks" (Gertrude - 3.2.254), while viewing "The Murder of Ganzago." Hamlet's disgust with his mother's lack of strength, in regards to Claudius' sexual temptations, was evident in his soliloquy, after Gertrude begged him to stay with her and Claudius in Elsinore. "And yet, wi th a month let me not think on 't; fratility, thy name is woman." (Hamlet - 1.2.149-50) Gertrude's submissiveness is also evident in her refusal to face the pain of the true nature of her husband's murder. Gertrude begs "O Hamlet, speak no more! / Thou turn'st my eyes into my very soul, / And there I see such black and grained spots / As will not leave their tinct" (Gertrude - 3.4.99-103). In relation to Gertrude, Ophelia is even weaker and more passive. ... ...e murder of his father, Hamlet Sr. After Hamlet killed Polonius, and stored his body, when first asked of him the location of Polonius' body, and Hamlet replied with a riddle; "The body is with the King, but the King is not / with the body. The King is a thing-" (Hamlet - 4.2.27-28). This riddle strange in itself was evidence to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of Hamlet's insanity. Once the King banished him to his death in England, Hamlet replied with "Farewell, dear mother." (Hamlet - 4.4.58). Shocking to the King, being his father and or uncle, and Hamlet forgave an explanation to the King of why he called him his mother; "My mother. Father and mother is man and wife, / Man and wife is one flesh, and so, my mother" (Hamlet - 4.4.60-61). Hamlet's mask of insanity had fooled the King, the Queen, Ophelia, Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Though he had fooled these people he always kept a full grasp of reality and his true convictions. "To thine own self be true," (Polonius - 1.3.84) the words of a fool followed only by the tragic hero, Hamlet. The masks of the characters were what lead each to their tragedy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Learning Portfolio Essay

During the semester, I have had to develop a unique study structure that was going to maximize the efficiency with which I utilized my study time. Before starting the course, I read the study handbook so that I could get a rough idea of what the course entailed and the nature of information I would be required to familiarize myself with. This enabled me to identify other relevant sources of information besides the books suggested in the recommended reading list. In the process of reading these materials, I took brief notes of the ideas and points that appeared noteworthy. Being in a non-English speaking country, obtaining relevant books and other resource materials was somehow challenging. I learned to utilize the internet to get books and journal articles from electronic libraries and databases. I also had to subscribe to various journals so that I could get updated news about the course since I realized that criminology is a dynamic topic and it requires one to get case studies and briefs. After the onset of the course, I had to develop effective study habits so that I could organize my time while staying on top of my work. I realized that in order to succeed, I had to make the right decisions about managing my time and resources. I had to give my studies the priority they deserve and I did not let friends or family dictate to me on what aspects of my life were more important than others. My concentration and grasping ability is at its peak during the morning hours, at quiet and cool surroundings which do not offer any distraction. I engaged in discussions and debates surrounding the course material since I know getting the perspective of my fellow students and their contributions on the points I might have missed is very important. Concerning my assignments, I always make sure I have completed them on time and I review them before every class. I also co-relate assignment content and what is in my notes to ensure that I have completed them satisfactorily. I rely on my notes for this because they are very comprehensive since I review and update them after every class; usually including paraphrasing content in my own words and including examples. These study strategies I adopted during the semester are very effective, and after cross-checking with my fellow students and a collection of study guides available in the internet, I found out that they are still very relevant. Of course, I know there will always be ways of improving them as challenges mount. For example, I found out that I had actually misunderstood some concepts and ideas I had assumed I fully understood, so I need to liaise with my professor and study group more. When I started this course, I did not have a clear understanding of what was really expected of me. I did not know if what I was doing was right or wrong, so I had to get the help of my fellow students, friends who had already graduated from the course and my professor to help me learn how to express my points and ideas. I always want to feel that I am living up to expectation, so I always seek feedback to help me identify areas I can improve on. I have formed a consistent effort to request my colleagues and supervisors so that I can refine my perspective regarding key concepts and ideas. In my attempt to be an all-rounder, I specify the kind of feedback I need from my colleagues, professors and supervisors at work. I do not just ask for a critique of the quality and quantity of effort I put in my studies or my work, but I also seek to find out other people’s perception of how effective or ineffective my interaction with other people and the system is. I also gave some of my essays to friends and colleagues to read; and used their criticism and opinions to improve on my essay writing skills. I feel that I can use the feedback I obtain regarding my study and work strategies and quality to improve by developing plans of action based on it on a regular basis. Feedback is effective only if it is involved in the review of strengths and weaknesses so that the actions taken can be specifically tailored to build on my strengths and work on my weaknesses. It is however important to note that feedback can only be genuine if the seeker also reciprocates by giving feedback to the people he or she seeks opinion from. Even though some people may not like getting feedback on their performance especially if it is negative, I try as much as possible to reciprocate by giving genuine feedback to those willing to acknowledge it so that I can receive an equal measure in return. I would be honest if I say that this course has been an eye opener for me. Through planning my time to fulfill course requirements like attending to classes and completing my assignments in time, I have learnt to be more organized not only in class but in other spheres of my life. The need for efficiency made me engage in research in an attempt to identify better, faster and more effective reading styles, and I perfected these on this course. I have attained a better reading speed and I have become better in both written and spoken English. Through research and preparation for writing my essays, I have improved on my writing skills a great deal. I have learnt several referencing styles and I could even take a chance at professional writing as of now. Criminology requires articulate presentation of ideas, facts and arguments; and this course has increased my analytical skills and the depth of my thinking. In the past, I have sort of been what social scientists would call a right brain thinker. To me, an occurrence or a phenomenon was true or false, black or white. But the course has taught me to think from different perspectives. This has been a big change for me bearing in mind that I have been quite opinioned about criminology issues; but I have learned to pay attention and get many sides to any event. Starting university has had an enormous impact on my academic, personal and work life as well. Being a student and working at the same time is a challenge for many people. I work and study; and since I realize that both are important to my life, I don’t let one take the time of the other. I do not take time off to study or skip classes to work or because I worked late; but I do take some hours off to catch up on my assignments and to engage in extracurricular activities to refresh my faculties and also to write my essay. As far as my private life is concerned, my academic engagements have made it necessary to study on most nights and weekends; but the experience has been good since I have gained the ability to see things from an academic and professional angle and reason likewise. This course has definitely induced a lot of changes in me. For starters, I have learned to be flexible to divergent thoughts and ideas, and since I have learned so much in the process, I have found out that some of the opinions I hold regarding other people and occurrences are not necessarily justified. With an increase in knowledge comes a change in heart, and the new ideas, concepts and facts I have learned have changed my opinion and attitude a great deal. Since the beginning of this course, I have continually learned that there is so much information out there for me to absorb and apply in my essays, arguments and in my professional life. Information for real has the capacity to change someone’s beliefs. The more I am challenged, the more I have become aware of the need and the virtue of being able to tolerate the values, beliefs and attitudes of other people. By virtue of the amount of literature I have had to cover, my attitude towards work has changed. Work, be it academic or professional, is no longer an obligation to me, but an opportunity to improve my vistas of knowledge and my capacity to interact with people, information and real life circumstances. In other words, the course has given me an opportunity to grow in character as a person. Through the study of moral values as they apply in criminology and psychology, I have learned that morality is a very personal issue; and that not a single person can rationally claim to have more superior values as compared to others. In as such, my attitude to people has changed a lot, and I am no longer quick to judge the actions of others without first establishing the motives behind their actions. Creative and research and essay writing has taught me the importance of respecting intellectual property. I have come across so much written material in this course; materials which have increased my knowledge base in ways I could not have imagined. It is a matter of fact that people somewhere took their time to do research, derive facts and write them down plus their relationship to and application in real life situations. It is not only responsible but also ethical therefore to respect their rights to their work by responsibly using these works. Responsible use of literary material is achieved by avoiding plagiarism. This entails proper use of resources and the application of correct referencing techniques to cite the contribution of existing literature in any produced essays or research papers. I had never done any referencing before, but the resources providing guidelines for referencing available at the university website helped me a lot in learning how to responsibly utilize literary materials without abusing intellectual property. As I pointed out earlier, I did not know what was expected of me before actually joining this course. As the course progressed, I came to realize that it is actually a very interesting course. Even though it is quite challenging in terms of difficulty in comprehending some of the concepts taught, I do not regret taking it. The course has made me understand people better and have valuable insight on the motivations people have while committing some of the activities they commit. As I said earlier, I had to work as I undertook this course. The responsibilities could have been overwhelming for most people and their families, but the experience brought me closer to my wife who supported me throughout the duration of the course and has still continued to support me. In terms of my professional experience, the course has opened up my mind and conscience. I have met a lot of interesting people and the experience has made me a better communicator, improving the relationship between me and my work colleagues. I am a very ambitious person and I want to continue growing professionally, that is why I decided to further my education in the first place. My ambition sometimes brings me at odds with my colleagues, but I have known how to effectively handle their aggressions. I hope that these skills are going to push me up the professional ladder, even though this is going to take some time considering the system of my place of work.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cup Cake Business Plan - 3864 Words

Business plan Raymond s Sports Cafe All the comments in the following business plan are based on the waiter Raymond Reed’s start of a sports cafe in the better part of a big city. Raymond s Sports Cafe is a fictitious company that is exclusively designed to serve as an example of how a business can be disposed. See template for this business plan on Contents BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 2 RESUME.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 BUSINESS CONCEPT†¦show more content†¦I am 40 years and have played professional football in the local club. I am today a part of the marketing team of the club. Raymond’s Sports Cafe – example of a business plan found at 3 Economy: Five years ago I decided that I at one time would have my own cafe. So today I have saved 200,000 in a start up account in the bank. I have received commitments from three people who are willing to stand surety each for 20,000. Furthermore, I have a condominium with some equity. Business Concept The company s philosophy The purpose of my sports cafe is to ensure that customers get real fun and good experiences when they use their leisure time in the cafe. Elevator speech / Sales Presentation I have the city s most entertaining sports cafe with seating for 150 people. It s packed with the latest technology so you can experience everything in sport from the segregated monitors at each of the 40 tables. We have specially trained staff to serve our menus and drinks at reasonable prices. Here is my card, permitting a free drink for you and a companion. The needs which the company will cover customer The Sports Cafà © covers the need for human interaction for the 20- 30 year olds in an environment of action, music and TV tuning. What is special about this company compared to competitors Raymond s Sports Cafà © is the first eventful cafe in town and the owner will have close contacts withShow MoreRelatedThe Small Business Plan For A Cup Cake And Ice Cream Parlor1779 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Small business can be maintained by individual or partners by investing their shares in business. The capital for small business is not very high to attain wide edges in market. As compare to medium scale and high scale business financing, small scale business has to accommodate its business operations within limited amount of capital. 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